The fairy tales show it as magical.
I think of it as a promise. A promise to always love you. A promise and commitment. A statement to all the witnesses. It is a statement of belonging.
Magical? Well, I am not practiced. But I am proud of that. I don't know that the first kiss I give away will be magical, but it will mean something significant.
There is something I have longed to give away, and more than once have naturally felt to do so, but the commitment in my heart that goes with it has held me back. My heart says no to giving that away.
Because there is one man only that I want to kiss.
I have made my mistakes. I have been in an intimate relationship with a guy before. We were very close emotionally and I have felt the warmth of a man's arms. I have felt some sort of love in my heart before, but PURE love is this...
Patient or long suffering: This means that a love that is pure will endure the hardship of the wait, and will be patient to the better of the other person.
I fulfil love in this way through enduring the harsh words of my loved ones, enduring my own errors, waiting when I feel like giving up and taking the time necessary when I'd rather just rush forward.
Kind: I love purely when I am kind to my neighbor, kind to my spouse or to my family member. A kind word or deed covers over wounds, and encourages the hearts of those I love.
Does not envy: If I am loving purely, I accept who I am and who my loved one is, without being jealous of the gifts God has given him or her. If I love my husband/boyfriend I will not envy the job they have, their taste, I will not try to possess them or be in control of them. I will be able to accept who they are without trying to be better than them.
Is not proud or boastful: If I have pure love, I will not try to put myself higher than my loved ones. Pure love is humble rather than boastful. If I love purely, I will esteem the other person instead of just singing my own praises to try to get attention. I will not need to try to get attention because my pure love generates love from the other person. Pure love gives of itself freely without requiring payment.
Is not selfish, easily provoked or full of vengeance: Pure love is based in a source that refills. A pure love is given not out of obligation which requires a response. Pure love does not get angry for a trivial reason, or a silly reason, and it does not think evil towards the other person.
PURE love Always hopes, always believes, always endures, and NEVER FAILS!
To find more about Pure love look in 1 Corinthians 13 of the Word of God. There is a great description. Pure love is not easily given but God gives that towards us. Pure love and perfect love does not have any fear, rather it causes fear to vanish!
A pure love is the kind of love that I want. I have it in Jesus Christ my Savior. Should He provide for me another love, a physical love, in this world, I want him to model this love, and that I would model the same for him.
My attempt to guard the first kiss for this man has been idealistic, magical and romantic.
But, that being said, I want my first kiss to make a statement to the world. This... this one... This is the man with which I want to spend the rest of my days.
You think I can make it until that day?